Able to identify cost and inefficiency drivers through understanding the interplay between large scale business processes, governmental regulation and human factors. Developed and communicated a unique model of injury management for claims managers, service providers and policy makers. Practical implementation of the concept shows excellent return on investment and improved worker outcomes.
Adept at proactive and reactive systemic improvement aligning business strategy with the larger context in which the business operates. Redesigned multiple workers' compensation schemes in diverse environments at the request of governments seeking to improve business competitiveness. Designed, wrote and implemented systems characterised by greater cost effectiveness, more predictable stakeholder behaviour and better worker outcomes.
History of early recognition of conflicts between divergent legal systems and identification of cost drivers and process bottlenecks. Identification of adverse environmental factors, allowing employers to proactively control business risk and policymakers to develop more enlightened interventions.
Developed, facilitated and analysed a unique series of personal injury stakeholder engagement meetings across Australia, resulting in employer being recognised as a centre of excellence and resulting in retention of core business contracts. Developed and implemented new services supporting membership retention and growth in membership organisations.
Successfully managed people, budgets and operations in diverse enterprises, including solo consulting businesses, small "captive" law firms and free standing governmental agencies. History of developing excellent relationships with Boards of Directors, governmental and union officials.
Successfully led groups of divergent parties through identification of issues, development of consensus solutions and strategic planning for implementation, leading to greater business intelligence and stakeholder buy-in to agreed strategies. Mediation of matters ranging from workplace conflict to policy development. Independent investigations of complex files, conflict and alleged misconduct.